Full Stack Web Developer

turning IDEAS into REALITY

Hello. I'm Yi Sing.

I'm a full stack web developer based in Singapore and I design and create beautiful, immersive and responsive user interfaces for websites across all devices.

My priority is to create a space that captivates the viewer at first glance, thereby increasing your customer conversion rate. My goal is to make your brand synonymous with your product.

I will love to build a website for you.

Contact Me

About Me

In September 2017, after about two weeks of learning Python on my own, I decided to attend a 3-month web development bootcamp just to see if I am passionate about coding in general.

What started off as a curiosity with code slowly turned into something that I genuinely enjoy over the course of the bootcamp.

While the learning journey has been frustrating and difficult at times, the thrill of seeing my imagination and ideas come to life on the web is what drives me on in continuing this path.


My Skills


Front End

Front End development is building out the visual components of a website design into a custom website with the user experience in mind. In this area, I have experience in:

javascript logo
jquery logo
html logo
slim logo
css logo
sass logo
bootstrap logo
gimp logo
inkscape logo
balsamiq logo
rwd logo

Javascript | jQuery | HTML 5 | Slim | CSS 3 | Sass | Bootstrap | Gimp | Inkscape | Balsamiq | Responsive Web Design


Back End

Back End development is making the application work as intended. It may involve security, database interactions, and performance etc. In this area, I have experience in:

postgresql logo
python logo
javascript logo

Ruby | Rails | RSpec | PostgreSQL | Python | Javascript



Other skills that I learnt along the way:

git logo
heroku logo
linux logo

Git | Heroku | Linux CLI


Click on the images to learn more.


Ruby on Rails + PostgreSQL

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Ruby on Rails + PostgreSQL

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Social Media Aggregator

Ruby on Rails + PostgreSQL

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Connect Four

HTML + JavaScript

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Contact me

If you have any projects or would like to work with me, I would love to connect with you! Please fill the form below. Alternatively, you can send me an or meet me in person at my home.